Excessive Heat Warning Meaning

Excessive Heat Warnings: What to Know

Understanding Heat Warnings

An excessive heat warning is a notice issued by the National Weather Service of the United States within 12 hours of the heat index reaching one of two thresholds: 105 to 109 degrees Fahrenheit for four consecutive hours, or 110 degrees Fahrenheit or higher for any duration.

Types of Heat Warnings

There are two types of heat warnings:

* Excessive Heat Watch: Issued when there is a 50% or greater chance of an excessive heat warning being issued within 12 to 48 hours. * Excessive Heat Warning: Issued when dangerous heat conditions are expected to develop within 12 to 24 hours.

Impact of Excessive Heat

Excessive heat can be extremely dangerous, especially for vulnerable populations such as the elderly, young children, and those with chronic health conditions. Heat-related illnesses can range from mild heat cramps to life-threatening heat stroke.

Precautions During Excessive Heat Warnings

During an excessive heat warning, it is crucial to take precautions to stay cool and hydrated. Stay indoors in air-conditioned spaces as much as possible, avoid strenuous activity, drink plenty of fluids, and wear loose-fitting, lightweight clothing. If you must go outside, take breaks in shaded areas and seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms of heat illness.


Excessive heat warnings are serious alerts that should not be taken lightly. By understanding these warnings and taking necessary precautions, individuals can stay safe and healthy during extreme heat conditions. Remember, excessive heat can kill, so always heed the guidance of health authorities and emergency responders.

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